Here you can find a database of various projects I worked on over the years.
I decided to share my electronic projects, STL models to 3D print or SVG files to laser cut that I’ve created for the machines described on the blog in a more convenient way and put it in a single, easy to access space. The DB will be growing slowly as there is plenty of material to upload and describe.
A small module that replaces RF modulator and allows you to connect your Amiga 600 or 1200 via an S-Video.
Relevant blog posts:
- Amiga 600 – mods and repairs
- Amiga 600 – FURIA card upgrade and other mods
- Amiga 1200 – S-video mod and refurb
This is a very simple module that you can install in place of an RF modulator and connect it directly to CXA1145 chip. Connection details in above blog posts.
4x Resistor 110k ohm 0805
4x Resistor 10k ohm 0805
2x Resistor 39 ohm 0805
2x Capacitor 100nF 1206
2x Tantalum capacitor 100uF KEMET D / EIA 7343-21
2x Transistor PMBT3904 SOT-23
DOWNLOAD PROJECT – Includes schematics, and BOM

SD2IEC is an open hardware project which emulates (not fully) a floppy drive. Instead of having tons of floppies (which is cool :P) you simply put all software onto SD card.
Relevant blog posts:
- C64 – SD2IEC
- SD2IEC Revisited
- Commodore C16 – RAM upgrade and internal SD2IEC mount
- Random Commodore Plus/4 hax
- C64 ALDI – quick refurb job
- Various hax – part four
- Extreme refurbishing: Episode 1 – Commodore 64
- 2x Commodore VIC-20 – refurb and mods
- Commodore 64 – The great refurbishing – PART THREE
- Commodore 128 – mods
- Beast64 project – PART ONE
Out of all variations that I’ve created there are two worth replicating.
- DIN6 version – for external use
- Universal – can be used internally and externally
Example AVR programming command: avrdude -c usbasp -p m644p -U flash:w:newboot-0.4.1-sw2-m644p.hex :i -U hfuse:w:0xDA:m -U efuse:w:0xFD:m -U lfuse:w:0xE7:m
You can replace Atmega644 with Atmega1284 as these are pin compatible, you will be able to use this firmware

AVB/RGB4ALL is a module that converts RGB signal to Color Composite or S-Video.
Relevant blog post:
- RGB4ALL – composite and s-video module
- Amiga 500 – mods
- Various Hax- part five
- Amiga 2000 – semi-extreme refurb – Part one
- Amiga 2000 – Codename: Tesseract PART 5
- Pimp my Ami #1 – Fluo
I’ve created few versions of this module but the final version is more universal. You can use it as an internal module by soldering signals to pads directly or as an external Amiga module with DB23 or DB25(with a bit of cutting). This module also works with other computers that output RGB – Amstrad CPC464/6128 for example and probably with many other computers.
- 1x AD724JRZ
- 6x 75 ohm 0805
- 5x 100nF 0603
- 2x 4,7uF 0805
- 1x 10pF 0805
- 3x 220uF Tantalum Cap
- 1x RCA socket
- 1x S-video socket
- 1x DB23 or DB25
- 1x Quartz oscilator
- 4.433620 MHz HC49/s
DOWNLOAD PROJECT – Includes schematics, BOM and SVG files for laser cutting

Here is my 3D printing models collection that I’ve gathered over the years.
All my blog post related projects are here as well as files downloaded from the Internet. I didn’t sort them so you will have to crunch through it all if you want to find a proper model.