EDIT: an update is HERE
This time it is not a story but rather a piece of news. Willy/Lamers and, we are working on a TED replacement project. As we all know, TED is very often fried in all those precious C16s, C116s, or Plus/4s and there is no replacement. We aim to change it so we’ve started the ThED project.
We already have a working PoC but we still have a lot to do to get it fully working. We will show our PoC at the SillyVenture party which happens to start tomorrow – the 6th of Dec 2019
I will be writing updates on retrohax.net and on the FaceBook fan page so if you are interested in this project, then make sure you are subscribed and follow us on FB 🙂
The ThED will be available through the retrohax.net webshop.
Here are some pics of a working PoC along with an R&D desk 😀

Hopefully the project will be successfull. We need a replacement, keep our C16 alive please 🙂 Thank you.
Some News on this Project?
The mouSTer project took over for past months but hopefully we will be back to ThED next week
From what I can see on your store site, the project is dead?
Well, what can I say… The project was finished 2 years ago, then IC market shortages hit and we are kinda … unable to manufacture it :/
Does that mean there will soon by ThEDs to buy and/or manufacture…?
I would buy this. My Plus 4 owned from new is now sadly behaving oddly and believe I need a new TED.
Sounds promising, as I have 4 of these systems that need replacements.
This looks promising. I have a few Plus4’s that need the TED.
Been following this and am very eager for more news! I would love to revive my c16
cool! hope it can give some of those retro commodores second life
Wspaniała wiadomość! Trzymam kciuki i czekam na aktualizację 🙂
Very nice! I just picked up a Commodore 16 (well two, a really good condition one with box, then one trashed one for parts) a few weeks ago, that’s in need of repairs. I think the TED on both might still be alright, but if a replacement is needed, it’s good to see something modern is coming up 🙂
Just curious, I see you’re using HDMI in the proof of concept version, is the replacement going to do analog video like composite and split Y/C too? HDMI will come in handy, but I still prefer the glow of my Commodore 1702 🙂
It is USB and is only a part of a dev kit. The final solution will be a drop-in replacement so you will only have a standard option like in stock computer 🙂
Wow i want some of those😎
Any price in mind?
Hi, not yet. This is very early phase of the project.
Hi, not yet. This is very early phase of the project.