The ThED project – update


This time a small update about the ThED project – MOS TED replacement.

Willy is currently working on integrating the analog part. It is pretty much ready but there are a few minor caveats left that we want to sort out. Once that part is done, we will be able to make fully working prototypes.

Regarding the digital part of the chip, after some talks with Istvan, we are now officially allowed to use the FPGATED project – based on the LGPL license. This part is already integrated and works.

Below is a luminance signal generated by the ThED and caught on the oscilloscope 🙂


If you want to get retro gear or hardware modules, please visit our shop ->

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I am looking for more retro computers to repair so feel free to send me a machine that is totally dead. Moreover! Extreme cases are welcome 🙂

17 thoughts on “The ThED project – update

  1. I hope it goes quickly now. My C16 would be delighted with a replacement. Hammer it in guys. Excellent job.

    1. Hi Dave,

      Oh, that is a 3yo blog post and a lot has changed since then. I am not accepting any repair jobs, only donations so these computers can wait in a long queue on the shelf. The address to mail donations is here but please don’t send anything, unless you want to donate it.

  2. Awesome project. Looking forward to this! Maybe we will even see new TED machines built from scratch, like with all the homebrew C64 variations…

  3. Awesome project.. When this is released I will have a serious go at restoring my Plus/4..

  4. Hello
    It is possible to implement to this fpga TED an fpga SID?
    There are many demos etc. with SID support, but no Sid cards on market, so a ted replacement with integrated sid would be nice.

    1. Hi,
      We are not saying NO, but definitely the first version will be a drop-in replacement and nothing more. There is just way too much to research and implement in a one go 🙂

  5. Any idea about the cost? In europe, a salvaged TED costs around 40€… i know, prone to failure in the future…

  6. Can’t wait for this to be released! good luck guys. If you need someone to test, hit me up 😀 I’ve got a C16 waiting.

  7. Good to see FPGATED being integrated, I always thought it was a bit of a shame no one had seemed to have made a drop-in product based on that project until now 🙂

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