… or long-awaited firmware hax

Firmware update
Lots of people buried the mouSTer adapter and labeled the project as dead. I kept on saying that this was temporary as Willy had to deal with other, not retro-related issues and he simply took a more extended break.
This break is over and Willy came back to the project with full force.
Among various bugs that were gathered via email and the mouSTers GitHub page, there was one major goal to be reached and that was mouse wheel support for Amiga. This single feature took tons of time and tinkering but … it was finally achieved! YAY!
Below, is a demo of wheel scroll on Amiga
Bug fixes and devices support
Lots of other issues were fixed. The whole year of issues was fixed for the past two weeks.
There were several test releases of firmware with bug fixes. You can find them HERE

3.17.3377 - Debug revision.
C1351 emulation engine rebuilt.
Some minor device detection improvements.
3.17.3314 - Debug revision.
C1351 is still broken in this build.
Improved detection of some devices.
3.17.3309 - Debug revision.
C1351 is still broken in this build.
Improved compatibility with devices that do not comply with strict HID descriptor rules. (fx. The Joystick)
Improved compatibility with devices that present different VID:PID for different hosts. (fx. Speedlink Competition Pro)
3.17.3291 - Debug revision.
C1351 is broken in this build.
mouSTer is by default set to CD32 pad emulation mode for this build.
DS3/SIXAXIS and X360 mapping Fixed.
3.17.3222 - Debug revision.
C1351 is broken in this build.
mouSTer is by default set to CD32 pad emulation mode for this build.
CD32 pad emulation mode "random buttons burst issue solved"
Known Issue: Default button mapping for SONY DS3/SIXAXIS in CD32 mode is broken.
3.17.3150 - Debug revision.
C1351 is broken in this build.
mouSTer is by default set to micromys emulation mode for this build.
Micromys emulation engine was completely rebuilt.
3.16.2605 - Micromys compatible extension (wheel) has been added to C1351 mode.
New Amiga mouse mode: Micromys compatible extension (wheel) has been added.
The Default INI file is now included in the firmware package.
All further Releases will be available also on GitHub: https://github.com/willyvmm/mouSTer
Willy will release the final stable revision with all the above fixes soon.
Future goals
There is a list of goals that we would like to achieve in future releases. There are many more but to name a few:
- ADB mouse support for Macintosh machines
- DB9 mouse support for older Apple machines
- DB9 mouse support for older PC machines
Due to the differences between the above interfaces, that will likely make a cheap adapter to the mouSTer. This is currently a work in progress as we are investigating various options.
Discord channel
We’ve created a Discord channel for the mouSTer. It is located on the retrohax.net Discord server.
Here is the invitation link: https://discord.gg/UcGMrMgv7V
The mouSTer dedicated sub-page
Yup, it is in the making. We have to tune some things and will let you know via Twitter/FB/Discord.
It will contain simple config setups, features, and all other content linked to this adapter – handy stuff 😉
Other mouse adapters
If you are aware of any other mouse adapters for retro machines that are on the market with features that the mouSTer hasn’t, please let us know in the comments section or via Discord. We will try to implement it in future firmware releases because we want to stick to – one mouSTer to rule them all 😀
See you in the next blog post 😉
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Thank you for this helpful post! Your tips and insights have made a positive impact on my understanding of the topic. Keep up the great work!
Thank you for a good word 🙂