… or it took a while to get here 😀
This project is fully led by Willy/Lamers with my minor participation.
It all started with the idea to create the most convenient modern USB mouse adapter for as many retro machines as possible.
Willy started working on it in his spare-time six years ago. The project goals were simple.
- small, smooth, and not expensive design
- reliable
- quadrature encoder mouse support
- easy to use and maintain
- easy to personalize/configure
- quick firmware upgrade
The project came about quite quickly and Willy ordered the first batch. Unfortunately, It met almost all conditions but one – reliability. The design was based on the FTDI Vinculum2 chip. Although the layout is not bad, the toolchain is terribly underdeveloped (at least it was at that time). There were memory leaks all over the place, and debugging was almost impossible, mainly due to the processor for which there is no documentation. In addition, the configuration saved from time to time destroyed the config itself …
It was too much. Willy abandoned this project. If you are a strong-willed person you can try it yourself. All work that was done on it, is accessible HERE. You can view or use it if you have the energy to break through the unfinished, wrong, and undocumented code
The new hope
In the meantime, the design was repeatedly unearthed from a drawer, but unfortunately without much effect. Some of the original goals turned out to be impossible to fulfill.
Up to Silly Venture 2019 which turned out to be a breakthrough. the demand for a functional Atari ST adapter turned out to be quite large. The mouSTer project was born.
The project received a new name “The mouSTer” and Kroll (translator required) became its godfather. I hope he doesn’t mind :). Kroll is the best tester of Atari equipment around.
The project has gained a new shape and new strengths.
Some early prototype pics:

At the moment, the current size has been reduced to a minimum – DB9 plug size + USB-A socket
Below are some highlights:
- it works with every mouse and with every Game USB pad
- PS4 pad support – USB
- config via USB flash drive – INI file + default config
- config transfer via USB flash drive
- firmware upgrade via USB flash drive (takes 3 seconds, of which 2 seconds is the time the bootloader needs to recognize the flash drive)
- tested with flash drives from 32MB to 32GB
- mouse emulation mode defaults – Amiga, Atari ST, joystick/gamepad
Current state
Finally, after a few months of testing in laboratory conditions, everything works rock-solid. Changing the firmware and configuration works confidently and is trouble-free.

Some pics:

What’s left to be done:
- making a test batch in the target size – closing the plant due to COVID19 did not help at all 🙁
- configuration file tuning
- creating a poly-urethane case
- adding config options for Commodore 64/128, Spectrum, and every other possible retro machine.
- PS4 pad full support for all platforms.
- 8-bit Atari will receive a special mode that will cover all the PS4 pad functions, mouse and other HID class devices
- testing, testing, testing …
What has to be highlighted is that mouSTer started as an ATARI add-on but it aims to be multi-platform adapter!!
If you want to get retro gear or hardware modules, please visit our shop -> https://retrohax.net/shop/
Please support our work by commenting here and on Facebook or Twitter
Absolutely Fantastic.
Here the post on my Blog: https://www.nightfallcrew.com/20/11/2021/mouster-universal-usb-hid-class-device-to-db9-adapter/
Awesome! 😀
How to activate 2nd button on ps4 gamepad ?
And more important How to activate Mouse Wheel ?
Ordered mouSTer a couple of werks ago for use with my Commodore 64. That tiny little thing kicks ass! Thx to all involved in the development <3
Thank you for warm words 🙂
Nice project, thank you! Works perfect on my A2000 with the latest firmware 3.10.1939, before it was not usable. I tested two mices, a Logitech M-UV55a (Cable) and a Logitech RX300 with my favourite game Monkey Island 🙂
As far as it works with Atari 8-bit computers (such as my 800XE), I am interested 🙂
Will it be compatible with PC Computer ?
We would love to make it compatibile but we already know that it might be a problem. However, we are not saying definitely NO t this idea since we think that it would be super cool and worth implementing.
That would be awesome ! It’s difficult to find brand new (any quality) PS/2 Mouses. This would be a great alternative !
Could this possibly work on a SEGA Genesis / Megadrive too?
After all, this console use 9 pins as well, and its controllers can work with an Atari.
Yes, very likely yes. It will be only a matter of setting up a config file. We will be able to tell more after more tests on real hardware 🙂
This is MEGA cool! 🙂
I just tweeted about that to spread the gospel!
Thank you for spreading the word! Appreciated!
This is awesome, but where can I get rulers like the ones used in the pictures?
From China ofc 😀
Nice, I like the tiny size! Would be very useful having one for my C64, also, for those future config options, please don’t forget the “Sega Mega Mouse” for the genesis!, the plug is a DB-9..
Would it be possible to map one of the face buttons on a PS4 pad to “Up” on the joystick? So that we can have a jump button essentially?
I will have to confirm that with Willy but I am pretty sure it is just a config setting 🙂
Do you think you could come up with a design that, somehow, was at the same time, sideways and having the DB9 connector on the bottom, so it could be used on a Mega STE keyboard, sitting flush to the the SIDE of the keyboard, where the mouse connects to?
If a Mega STE user connects this to the side, it’ll protude WAY more than the original already does, taking more space.
If you could make this board the way I’m mentioning, it would be very narrow horizontally.
Send me an email if you need more details.
My ridiculous idea and 1000x ridiculous drawing is here: https://imgur.com/a/JTj6nIp
Maybe in next rev. of the board because this revision is already fixed.
Wonderful project!
The era of 8-bit dongles is here. Bye bye Apple! 😀
Haha! lol! Thanks for kind words 🙂