… or simply an excuse to have a gaming place ;P
I need a game room!
This post or I should say pictorial is about my new game room.
Long story short, I have a room that was used very rarely and had an ugly color 😉
It is a rather small room (5×5 meters) and I’ve decided to make a game room out of it so I could conveniently play games with my son, plus, it could serve as storage for all my retro hardware that I am collecting and playing with.
I forgot to take pics before moving out all the old furniture but to be honest, nothing to see there as it was pretty bad anyway 😉
The job
This is how I started transforming it.
Painting preparations

… and after a few hours … tadaaaa!

Sorting out temporary Ethernet wiring.

Brand new LED panels installed.

Furniture assembly

Finally, I could start bringing my gear from the garage 🙂

Some people work while others play Warcraft 2 ;P

w00t! C128 works!

Next on the list was a central TV with mandatory Hydra by Lotharek 😉
For now, it is only a 42″ plasma TV which is rather small.

3D printing corner on a RetroPC.

My personal Playstation 2 setup tester 🙂

PS 3 testers at work discussing some serious stuff :O


The room was nearly ready but I had some guests and they wanted to play Sensible Soccer on A2000 ;P

Larger TV was finally installed and ready to play 🙂

Retro doggie called AMIGA (I kid you not) loves this room too 😉

A final pic with a mandatory game room addon – LIMITED EDITION floppy table. I have seven more such tables and will be putting them for sale someday.

That’s it! Now, I have a nice place to play some games with my sons. I hope you liked it.
If you want to get retro gear or hardware modules, please visit our shop -> https://retrohax.net/shop/
Please support our work by commenting here and on our Facebook and Twitter pages.
If you want to donate a dead computer then drop me an email. Extreme cases are welcome
qwa Drygol, ten dyskietko-stolik jest boski! Też taki chce.
Mam jeszcze siedem sztuk 😀 ale jako że to ultra-niski nakład (10 sztuk worldwide) to wyszło srogo drogo 🙁
Dopiero obejrzałem zdjęcia. Trochę było roboty – ale było warto. “Salon Gier” jak ze snów wagarowicza. Pięknie. Kiedy mogę przyjechać na wagsy? 😀
Świetna robota, “floppy-stół” wymiata 🙂
Dzięki 🙂
Miodzio! Zazdroszczę pokoju i sprzętu.
Dzięki 🙂