… or we are slowly getting there 😉
As you all know, we’ve been quite busy lately after releasing the mouSTer adapter – a full USB mouse/pad adapter for retro computers.
I have a short update on it 🙂
First of all, we are sold out! The initial batch of 230 units was sold within a few days. We are currently waiting for another, larger batch (1000 units) which hopefully will be available within a month, so if you are interested in getting it, hit an InStock notifier button on a products page. You will get an email with the info that it is available again.
Our reseller on eBay will be putting up an auction with mouSTer very soon. There will be at least 120 units available through eBay so you can grab them there.
UPDATE: Direct link to eBay auction -> https://www.ebay.de/itm/324483346054
Since the release, we’ve received reports that some mice are not working correctly or are not detected at all. Willy focused on fixing this issue and it turned out that there is a minor bug in the firmware that prevents the detection of certain mice models. That was fixed, and tons of mice are now supported. However, there still might be a small percentage of mice that are not being detected. This is simply because we cannot test all manufactured ever mice. If you have a mouse that is not working correctly or is not being detected, please contact us and we will try to sort it out in future firmware releases.
Another bug was reported by Rees from an awesome CTRL-ALT-REES YT channel. It turned out that there is a small problem with D-Pad directions and the fact that the cursor was constantly pulled to the corner of a screen. That was fixed as well and now works flawlessly.
Get the latest firmware HERE
3D Printable housing
One of the readers (cheers Tor) contacted us and offered help in designing a 3D printable housing for the mouSTer. I’ve sent him a sample and we are waiting for the effects. I will release separate info once we have it. He’d also made a very cool adapter for PS/2 mice which is similar to the mouSTer. There is a thread about it on Reddit
8Bit Atari support
FlashJazzCat from FJC YT channel did an amazing review of the mouSTer adapter.
FJC is a GOS (Graphic OS for 8bit Atari) author so we can be sure that tests that he’d run were rock solid. From now on, basic support for 8Bit Atari is fully functional but that’s not all! Willy is working on special support for small Atari so stay tuned!
Commodore 64/128 support
After tons of hours spent testing different solutions, Willy finally managed to make it work!
I’ve just run some quick tests with mouSTer being used as a 1531 mouse replacement under GEOS and it WORKS! YAY!
The firmware with C64 support is not released yet (minor speed tweaks needed) but please expect it within days counting from now.
If any of my readers know any solutions, hints, or knows where I did mistakes, then please leave a comment here or on my FB and Twitter pages.
If you want to get retro gear or hardware modules, please visit our shop -> https://retrohax.net/shop/
Please support our work by commenting here and on our Facebook and Twitter pages.
If you want to donate or repair a dead computer then drop me an email. Extreme cases are welcome
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